
What's New 2017

September 2017

Clone Group

Match Line-up has recently added an icon to the Groups you Captain grid. This feature will allow captains to clone an existing group. When you select to clone a group, the following information will be copied to the new group:
  • Group information
  • All group facilities
  • All group players

After your group has been cloned, it will be displayed on the "Groups you Captain" grid. The new group gets added with the name "ENTER NEW TEAM NAME" which you can change. When you select your new group, you will be brought to the New Group Setup page. This will allow you to:
  • Validation your information
  • Make any changes like add/remove players, etc.
  • Add your matches

Once you have completed the setup of your cloned group, you can finalize the process. This will send an email to ALL the players letting know they have been added to a new group.